Cairo’s Museum of Egyptian Antiquities with Colorado Traveling Ducks

Today we are visiting Cairo’s famous Museum of Egyptian Antiquities.   Unfortunatly, we ducks stayed in our traveling bag.   Photos were allowed with phones and traveling ducks were not welcome to sit on the ancient exhibits.   Here we are.

Museum of Egyptian Antiquities

Inside we saw so many things.   We are taking so many photos at first, then just relaxed and looked at everything and listened to the explanations.   So much to see and learn here.   A few photos will be shown here so you can get the idea of the types of exhibits and size of this museum.

In museum


In museum


In museum


Inside museum


Inside museum


In museum

Now, up the stairs to the next level.

Up to second floor

And more photos to share with you.

inside museum


Inside museum


Inside museum

Here we are looking down, back to the first floor.

Looking down to lower floor

Next we walked to a different area, still on the second floor.  Here we looked at the mummy room, King Tut room, jewelry room and room with masks.   These were all interesting, but no photos were allowed.   Predicatably, to leave the museum, we exited through the gift shop.   This was a great museum gift shop, but we did not have much time to look or make purchases.  As you know, this museum is wonderful and contains so many ancient things and so much history.   Our next stop was our hotel.   We are staying at the Cairo Marriott.   Located on the Nile River in Cairo, we went to our balcony for relaxation and to enjoy the view.

Cairo from our balcony

From our balcony we could see a soccer field, buildings of Cairo and between buildings on the left, the Nile River.

Nile River from our balcony

Looking to the side, we had a better view of the Nile River.   Another great hotel on this tour.