Aruba Sunset Cruise

Soapy and Zeb Duck are going on a sailboat.  A sunset cruise for us.  This trip will be different.   We are not having dinner on the boat, but there is a rope swing.  A rope swing???  This is new to us.

We arrive at the beach with our moms.  Our first job is to find the Jolly Pirates office.  Reservations have been made, but we need our boarding passes and they need us to pay.  Look at this.

We like this Ms. Pirate

We like this Ms. Pirate

She is by the Jolly Pirates building and she is hot.  Yikes!

OK, we have the boarding passes, so now we go to the pier and wait for the shuttle boat to take us to our pirate ship.

Our pirate ship

Our pirate ship

This is a great pirate ship.

On the pirate sailboat, we sit in the front.  Great view and refreshing sea breeze.  A sailor asks about our drink preference and soon our beverages arrive.  We sail along Palm Beach, heading toward California Lighthouse.

Sailing along Palm Beach

Sailing along Palm Beach

We put down the anchor and now it is time for the rope swing.

A crew member explains how to do the rope swing

This is how it is done

This is how it is done

and soon humans are lined up to hold on to a rope, swing out over the water and, most importantly, remember to let go of the rope before they swing back into the boat.  And, many humans do this rope swing several times.

From the rope into the water

From the rope into the water

It does look like a lot of fun, but we ducks could not climb the ladder to get back in the boat.  Some things are just for humans.

Soon everybody is talking to everybody else and cheering those doing the rope swing.  And beverages keep coming.  This is a great cruise.  The gold sky of the setting sun was spectacular.

Aruba sunset

Aruba sunset

Every human seems to be having a good time.  Soon it is dark and time for us to return to the shore.  Ducks and humans liked this boat trip.

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