Fort Garland, Colorado

As the United States was exploring and claiming territory in the 1800’s, military forts were needed to attempt to keep peace between the settlers and the indigenous people.     In 1852 a military presence was needed in the San Luis Valley.   Fort Garland was built, using the local bulding material, adobe or mud bricks.   Fort Garland opened in 1858.   Today, I, Zeb the Duck, and the humans visited Fort Garland, Colorado.   Paying our fee, looking at museum items and the gift shop, we entered the inside of the Fort.

Parade ground and flagpole

This is the Parade Ground and Flagpole.   Looking down one side, I hopped on the picnic table.

Ready for a picnic

Five of the 22 original buildings are still standing.  Original buildings were constructed in adobe, the style of this area.   Adobe is basically mud and water.   Let’s go in the Soldiers Theater, one of the original buildings.

Soldiers Theater. Probably former barracks

This was probably used as a barracks.

Living quarters

The plaques said soldiers slept 2 to a bunk, sleeping head to toe.   The soldiers were also required to bathe once a month, whether they needed it or not.   This is not like today when humans seem to shower daily.   Table for morning coffee and planning.

Coffee and planning

All space had a purpose and this post became a temporary home for rifles.

Early rifles

Colorado did not become a state until 1876, after the US Civil War ended, but as a territory, Colorado did have a role in that war.   A major battle, the Battle of Glorieta Pass, in New Mexico, was fought between Colorado (Union side) and Texas (Confederate side).   Texas was to go into Colorado, through New Mexico, and take the Colorado gold fields.   Colorado won this battle in March 1862, forcing the Confederate soldiers to retreat back to Texas, and Colorado kept their gold fields.

Typical camp

This is a typical camp during the battle.   Howitzer cannons have been recovered and one is here.


Here is the Howitzer at Fort Garland.

Howitzer cannon

It looks pretty good for being over 150 years old.   After the Civil War the former slaves were free.   Some joined the military.

Buffalo Soldiers of the 9th Calvary

The Buffalo Soldiers West were here at Fort Garland.

Uniforms and accessories

We saw some uniforms and accessories for the Buffalo Soldiers of the 9th Calvary.   Many of the black soldiers won awards and medals and some received the distinguished Medal of Honor.   Next we entered the Infantry Barracks Museum.

Exhibit in Infantry Barracks Museum

This is a nice display.   And a cart.

Cart pulled by oxen

I believe this is the type of cart pulled by oxen.   Not too comfortable, but a saddle.


Looks similar to ones on oxen to secure the load.   We stayed until closing time.   Fort Garland Museum and Cultural Center has so much to see.   And we didn’t see everything.   In the Officer’s Quarters building, we saw this model of Fort Garland when it was used.

Model of Fort Garland

Kit Carson was the commander here, in 1866, after the American Civil War.   We hope you visit and enjoy Fort Garland.