Bert the Hippopotamus has a Birthday

I, Zeb the Duck, visited the Denver Zoo Friday.

Back to the Denver Zoo

Back to the Denver Zoo

Bert the hippopotamus celebrated his 58th birthday Thursday, August 21.  In the wild, hippos live 30-40 years and in captivity, they live about 10 years longer.  Bert is way past that.

First mom and I went to the Pachyderm Habitat.

Bert and other hippos live here

Bert and other hippos live here

Bert was there, eating.

Happy Birthday Bert

Happy Birthday Bert

He sure is big. This sign explains much of Bert’s life.

This is Bert's story

This is Bert’s story

Bert is the oldest hippo in North America and perhaps in the entire world.  That is amazing!

Bert is watching me!

Bert is watching me!

Bert has some geriatric problems, including arthritis, stiffness and dental issues.

Bert spends much of his time in the water.

Bert has his own pool

Bert has his own pool

The water helps alleviate the pressure of carrying his 5,000 pounds.

After leaving Bert’s home, we spotted this statue.

Zeb's first time on a hippo

Zeb’s first time on a hippo

I think I look good with the hippopotamus.

I hope you visit the Denver Zoo soon.  If you visit Denver Zoo this weekend and your name has Bert in it, you get in free.  That’s for RoBERTa, RoBERT, and so many more names.  If not, visit a zoo near you.  Other zoos may not have Bert, but zoos are wonderful places and so much fun.  You will have a great day at a zoo.

Bert is eating while watching me watch him

Bert is eating while watching me watch him