Yellowstone National Park Has Geysers

Today Ms. Ducky will show you pictures of some geysers at Yellowstone National Park.    According to National Geographic’s Guide to the National Parks, Yellowstone is a “geological smoking gun”.  Here is Ms. Ducky at Mud Geyser.

Mud Geyser

Mud Geyser

Don’t get in that water, Ms. Ducky.

Mud Geyer

Mud Geyer

Humans do go to National Parks to see wild animals.   Be careful, Ms. Ducky

Ms. Ducky. There is a buffalo behind you

Ms. Ducky. There is a buffalo behind you.

Of course, this is the Rocky Mountains, so let’s see a mountain lake.

Yellowstone Lake

Yellowstone Lake

Possibly the best known geyser in Yellowstone National Park is Old Faithful.

Old Faithful Geyser

Old Faithful Geyser

This geyser’s eruptions are predictable, so many humans gather here waiting for the next eruption.

Old Faithful

Old Faithful

Isn't it beautiful

Isn’t it beautiful at Yellowstone?


A closer look

Let’s go to Mammoth Hot Springs Terrace for a different landscape.

Mammoth Hot Spring Terrace

Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces


Mammoth Hot Springs Terrace

Mammoth Hot Springs Terrace

The steaming terraces are made of travertine, calcium carbonate, which the hot water brings to the surface from beds of limestone.

Mammoth Hot Springs Terrace

Mammoth Hot Springs Terrace

A whole new look for geyser landscape.   Isn’t this interesting?   We love to see this stuff.

Very unusual

Very unusual

But, what is this?

Dormant hot spring cone

Dormant hot spring cone

This is a dormant hot spring cone.   This is something new.   We, the Colorado Traveling Ducks have never seen anything like it.   This is great Ms. Ducky.  Thanks for sharing all these great pictures with us.   We will have from Ms. Ducky next time.  We still think you are very photogenic.