Trinidad Cuba Valley de los Ingenios

On the bus and ready for lunch.  I, Zeb the duck, on my way to Hacienda de Manaca Iznaga for lunch.

Lunch will be here.  What is a trapiche???

Lunch will be here. What is a trapiche???

Riding through the country and watching the lush vegetation, I learn that this was once a center of sugar cane production.  In the early 19th century hundreds of French refugees fled Haiti and set up about 50 small sugar mills in this Valley de los Ingenios.  Soon this region produced a third of Cuba’s sugar.

Here we are, ready for lunch.  We sat outside near the gardens.

I love eating outside

I love eating outside

A very beautiful and peaceful setting.  While we waited for our food, these musicians entertained us.

Cuban music for us while dining.  Wow!

Cuban music for us while dining. Wow!

It was very nice.

After our delicious lunch we inspected this trapiche.

Trapiche used here here ago

Trapiche used here here ago

The trapiche was used to extract juice from sugar cane.  The force or power for this tapiche was often provided by animals, but not by ducks.

We ate outside, enjoying the fresh air, but as we walked through the restaurant, I loved these table decorations.

I am on the table with these ladies

I am on the table with these ladies

So much a part of a vacation experience.

Some vacation memories

Some vacation memories

I am a very happy duck today.

This tower was used during the sugar cane plantation days.  At the top is my friend Barbara.

Barbara is way up there

Barbara is way up there

She climbed all the way to the top.  Wow Barbara!  These friendly people were selling craft items

Crafts available here

Crafts available here

and linens.

Beautiful linens

Beautiful linens

They were beautiful.  I like to see all the items for sale.

Time to get back on the bus now.  We are going to visit Casa del Alfarero, a pottery house.  The Santander Family founded this pottery house and they have produced pottery here for generations.  We love family businesses.

Here the gentleman shows how to make pottery.

Casa del Alfarero pottery house

Casa del Alfarero pottery house

He makes it look so easy.  Now he asks if anyone else has ever made pottery.  Here is my friend Susan.

My friend Susan is very talented.

My friend Susan is very talented.

She is making pottery.  She is very good.

There are many beautiful pieces of pottery to see and purchase.  Mom bought this mask and ashtray with a cigar.

Pottery mask and ashtray with a cigar.  So Cuban

Pottery mask and ashtray with a cigar. So Cuban

Pottery must be packed in checked luggage to go home, so we bought small items.  More about cigars later, when we visit the cigar factory and store.