Santa Clara, Cuba with Zeb the Duck

Leaving Havana, Santos drives us along the coast.  As you can see, there is not much traffic.

Leaving Havana

Leaving Havana

We are going to Santa Clara.  In Santa Clara, founded in 1689, we will visit the Mausoleum and monument of Che Guevara.  We will enjoy a buffet lunch and then attend a performance by the children.

The remains of Ernesto “Che” Guevara and some of his fellow combatants were brought to Cuba, from Bolivia, and are in the mausoleum.

Mausoleum of Che Guevara

Mausoleum of Che Guevara

Also in this complex is a tribute to Che with his possessions and a photographic chronicle of his life.

The mausoleum complex contains a 22 foot bronze statue of Che

Che 22 feet above ground

Che 22 feet above ground

and various political billboards.

Fidel says "We want to be like Che"

Fidel says “We want to be like Che”

Chavez of Venezuela is our best friend

Chavez of Venezuela is our best friend

Che was killed in Bolivia in 1967, but October 17, 1997 his remains were brought to Cuba and he was buried here with full military honors.  This ceremony was witnesses by hundreds of thousands of Cubans, who enjoyed the singing of school children, a speech by Fidel Castro that was followed by a cannon salute.

Che’s mausoleum is in Santa Clara as a remembrance of Che’s troops taking Santa Clara December 31, 1958, hours before Fulgencio Batista left Cuba.

Taxis in street of Santa Clara

Taxis in street of Santa Clara

We, humans and Duck, enjoyed a buffet lunch in Santa Clara at Los Caneyes Hotel.

Good meat dish

Good meat dish

The music was nice,

the food was tasty

Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables

Chocolate dessert!

Chocolate dessert!

and the waiters were friendly.

A new friend

A new friend

I like new friends

I like new friends

That is a wonderful combination!

After lunch we were entertained by the children of Compania Teatral Infantel, the Children’s Theater Company.

Almost ready

Almost ready

Many talented childdren

Many talented children

Leaving the theater, I liked seeing the kids in this cart.

Outside the theater, kids in cart by plaza.  Cobblestone street

Outside the theater, kids in cart by plaza. Cobblestone street

The cobblestone street and the plaza are very nice.  We like Santa Clara.